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'You embarrassed me today'

'Father it wasn't-'

'Enough, you're not a child anymore Noctis. I expected better of you'


the one person he craves approval from


I figure Noctis has gotten himself into a tricky situation/is being blackmailed

And anytime he's reached out he's been shot down

By Ignis, Gladio, Regis

Imagine the person who has the blackmail laying it in the midst of the documents that are to be reviews for the court meeting

And Noctis needs to get it OUT

Probably made a bit of a scene


wouldn't have made a scene dad if you just listened to him to begin with

Parents "Why wont my kid come to me" *gestures*


Hes probably gonna lose all privileges

which includes Prompto

Prompto probably gets some secondhand blame


'bad influence'


Is this because of the people he associates with

And Prom would believe him which would be great if his phone wasnt gone too

Also with his games and phone taken he can only worry and stew on the blackmail

Ignis arrives the next morning to wake him and his eyes are red rimmed and he clearly hasnt slept well

Ignis would be all 'this is your own doing Noctis' while making his favourite for breakfast

Maybe he's being threatened to be outed

And he hasnt come to terms with it himself

He was testing the waters with a little triste in the citadel

Only there's pictures

He's going to be tutored privately for a while

Proms probably blowing up Ignis' phone

I imagine Noctis just living in a permanent state of hypervigilance

Theres a lot of homophobia in the Citadel

Its not something he's ever spoken to his father about so he doesnt know where he sits on it

His lack of apetite/poor sleeping is probably initially seen as acting out

He's being a brat

Maybe one evening for whatever reason Ignis is at Nocts late enough to just stay over rather than go home

He's often used the guest room

He's woken in the middle of the night by Noct having a night terror

This is the point Ignis realises there's something more going on

I just imagine him reading books about teenage rebellion

Trying to learn how to deal with whatever is going on with Noctis before this happens


Poor Ignis....he's trying...he's doing baadly at it, but he's trying :-p


He decides he will stay over for a while

And the night terrors are a nightly thing

Maybe he tries to talk to Noctis but so much damage has been done that he's not talking about it

He's also probably gotten so in his own head about it that he doesnt know where to start with talking about it 


I mean if Noct reached out before and was shot down, totally fair


So Ignis is like 'Do I go to Regis? a doctor?....wait'

He has one final resort before that

Time to organise a playdate

I imagine him arriving outside the school and Prom's probably not been having a fun time without Noct either

A lonely boi

Ignis ushers him in 'Are you kidnapping me?? Are you gonna put me in concrete boots??'

'What? Certainly not'

Oh man imaginnneeee

Prom hangs up his jacket and he and Ignis go into the living room where Noct is

Prom sees him and his eyes go wide like 'Noct, buddy, are you okay?'

And Noct just bursts into tears

Prom would be all up in his space

'You're okay, you're okay - I've got you'

'Come on, lets go lie down'

Prom comes back out an hour later, Noct is asleep

Ignis is pretending to clean

Prompto would be furious

Iggy asks if Noctis told him anything

'No, he's fallen asleep. I'm staying here - if I'm leaving he's coming with me'

Ignis would probably be defensive

Prompto goes back in and sits by Noctis while he sleeps

Shakes him awake before the dream fully takes hold

He would be so unashamedly on Noctis' side

During another one of Nocts naps he goes to find out why Nocts been on house arrest

'He's not-'

'He REALLY is, Ignis'

Ignis tells him about what happens, stressed how humiliating it was for Regis and all of them'

Proms just like '...Did anyone ask him WHY, because that's not like Noctis at all'

'It doesn't matter why, under no circumstance should he act like he did, it's his duty-'

'A 'No' would have been enough'


ahhh I am living for Prom giving Ignis attitude on Noct's behalf, this is glorious


He'd be so dismissive

I imagine Gladio coming over and being like 'whats he's doing here??'

'HE is trying to fix the shitstorm you all have created'

'Listen here-'

'Gladiolus please, may I speak with you?'

Ignis tells Gladio about how Noctis had reacted when Prompto got there - probably tells him about the nightmares that have been happening

Prom slips back into Noctis' room


god I keep imaging like proms mad now he;s going to be wild when he finds out whats up


Prom's attitude would probably worry Noctis because he's afraid he's gonna get himself kicked out for giving lip

He doesnt want to lose him so soon after he's gotten here

Yes drai!

Prompto would be very soothing, telling him he doesnt have to say anything yet but when he was ready to talk Prompto was there to listen

'Can we just...stay like this for a while longer?'

I figure the easiest way for him to tell Prom would be to get the file of photos he grabbed during the meeting

Proms like 'oh sexy~~ '

'Wait, is that you? Are you bi?'

'I t..think so...'

'Me too dude!'

'...Can I look at the pics again??'

'Prompto! D<'

He knows Noctis needs some levity with the whole situation

His teasing mood is gonna drop real fast tho when he finds out why Noctis has the pictures

I imagine a full on explosion


'Wait...what does he look like??'

I see Ignis or Gladio being horrified when they find out

Prompto probably went and told them for Noct who is basically hiding in his room

He's gonna be Nocts spokesperson

I keep imagining one of them saying 'why didn't he say...?'

And Proms like 'SHH, In this house we don't victim blame!'

'Wha- we're not?'

Proms also like 'you both better quickly stick your heads in the door and tell him you have no problems with him being bi D<'

'If you have a problem with it, you dont.'

Prom flailing at them


I imagine blackmailing the Prince is pretty high on the treasonous scale

Prom would send them off to fix everything, demand Noct's phone before they leave

'Theres an embarrassing amount of messages from me 8D'

'And soem even more embarrassing voicemails'

Prom crying down the phone about how much he misses Nocts stupid face

'I love you dudeee, no homo'

'some homo'

Regis is probably eaten with guilt

Made worse by the fact that his first instinct on learnign what happened is that Noctis should have handled it differently

That's how HE'S been raised

So it's hard to unlearn


I loved the line earlier "you're not a kid anymore" but like he totally is



Regis is like 'he should have come to one of us'

Ignis 'I recommend you don't say anything of the kind in front of Prompto'


omg prom would snap back then instantly die


i can just see prom getting his hackles all up at the king



He absolutely would

Prom goes and raids the cabinets for junk

So they can have some snacks and watch a movie while Nocts world is pushed back ontot the correct axis

Ignis had gotten rid of all the goodies

So Proms like 'I'll make us pancakes'

And he brings Nocts to him with a smiley face drawn on it

Or lol


i cant find the one i wanted

its the smirky wobbly lip


And Prom gets to stay over

Gladio is probably ready to murder Prompto

The concrete boots could happen yet

But they can all appreciate how good of a friend Prom is



loyal to the end 






This one? 🥴 It seems appropriate! Poor Noct!!

Parmelde Lorntiere

Ahhh I love this! And noct is a child! He looks so young here b/c he is so Regis come on. Love Prom sticking up for him and being a loyal awesome badass! This is lovely! Gosh Noct just makes me cry looking so sad and hurt. &lt;3