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The Employee handbook had nothing about how to deal with this

Ignis is about to have 2 sets of cute pleading eyes turned on him

oh i just had such a cute thought

Imagine when they're older Noctis falling in love with this stray

but he's not allowed pets

he's all worried about it

And then one day the weather is awful and after that theres no sign of kitty

Noct searches a bit but it was a stray so he doesnt know where it could have gone

He's following Ignis around one evening when he's shopping

'You buy too many vegetables'

Commenting on eveything

Ignis is like 'give me strenght'

'Why are you buying catfood??'


He was hoping ot find her a home

And THEN tell Noct

Because once Noct finds out shes at Ignis' so shall he be

He could deal with Noct being sad knowing he was eventually going ot be happy




Oh my God the cuteness 😍

Parmelde Lorntiere

Omg kitty! I love this it's so sweet. Ignis will never be able to say no again.