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So the song is 'I'm not a warrior' So I saw Prom as Nocts peaceful beautiful boy who doesnt want to be a soldier

They met during diplomatic missions to Niflheim

And Prom is always kept out of the way, hes Niflheims secret weapon

The secret prince

But he and Noctis met and they've kept it to themselves

I imagined there is a prophecy about Noct

Like the world will end if you kill his soulmate

And theyre like - thats fine, Luna's thousands of miles away and well guarded

Nothing's gonna happen

Harold theyre lesbians

So Prompto knows the plans and hes not about to let them kill Noct so like a lovesick fool he isnt wearing any kind of decent armour

He disguised himself in the Niff infantry 

and worked his way to Noctis 

I figure the arrow is armour/magic piercing

Noct catches Prompto and I imagine no ones really realised whats happened

Like oh...we somehow missed? Load another

And it just pings off the wall of energy that building around Noctis

Anyone that gets too close is fried

And it doesnt matter which side theyre from

You can imagine Regis or one of the bros trying to navigate this

Like maybe inside the wall it's keeping Prom in some kind of stasis

They're having to think on their feet they've just learned that Noct has been BUSY

Suddenly explains all his 'we dont destroy the niff citadel

I figure eventually they manage to get through to him

'He's still alive Noctis - he needs help'

He's still not going ot let him out of his sight

I see this scene where a doctor is trying to check on Prom and Nocts eyes flash and the mans hands blister

Maybe theyre trying to get Luna there

Keep him stabilised until then

And then surely Noctis will allow Luna to heal him

Prom is okay of course



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