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i was just thinking

Imagiine a scenario where Ignis quit

Okay so maybe not quit perse because he's too duty bound

But what if he was on enforced leave or reassigned

Maybe he has some personal issues and he takes his time due

Noct would be a NIGHTMARE to whoever has to take over

Like imagine if it was something that was put into the works by one of the court members

and they were hoping ot get their own family member in and close to Noctis

Like, just the basics

Trying to wake him in the morning

Trying to FIND him at night when he's flown the coop to visit Prom

Or is bugging Ignis in his new role

Maybe Regis is led to believe Ignis requested the change

Noct is impossible

Regis is like 'you have to behave Noctis'

'Why did you reassign himmmmm He was doing a great job'

Honestly this probably gives Noctis so much appreciation for Ignis

Where the person who took over has started to mentally manipulate Noctis

Like 'If you don't do this - we can make the blonde kid disappear - hes an unnecessary distraction'

Like constantly putting Noctis down

'your father was so much more professional; at your age'

'You're a scandal waiting ot happen'

Imagine Gladio being like

'I can't believe someone actually whipped you into shape'

Yeah stripped him of his personality

He's only really himself around Prompto

He does still rebel on occasion

Hanging out at Noctis' apt would be painfully awkward when the guy is there

I see Ignis about to turn a corner and overhearing a conversation

A very onesided conversation

And he just turns the corner and BAM right on the nose

'I normally don't resort to physical violence as it's uncouth but I shall make an exception for you'

Time to go talk to Regis

Theres about to be an exiling~~

Noctis would probably be so well behave for Ignis when he comes back

and Ignis is just like yuck

Stop that


iggy needs to go smack some sense into gladio too

cause you know that would have been a nail in the coffin for him


Happy ending tho XD

yesssss Drai!!



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