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Ignis has just discovered that Proms not had a home for a while

"Sometimes I feel like the world keeps moving around me and I'm stuck in place"

Yeah i feel like he went through a rollercoaster of emotions on his walk up to Prompto

Like there was something off about him recently

So he decided to speak with him and followed him

Realising quickly he wasnt going towards his house

They've been taught to read people and what he can see with Prompto is just sadness

So he was ready for an interrogation but now its going to be a whole different conversation

Prompto starts talking before Ignis is fully by him


if he's been taught to read people, he must be kicking himself to not realize how sideways things were with Prom sooner


yesss absolutely

Also a piece of dialogue that keeps playing in my mind

"I'm sorry that we have made you uncomfortable to reach out for help"

Because you know he wouldnt want them to think he was mooching

Or looking for money or to use Noctis

And Ignis knows this too

They've made sure Prompto knows how they feel about this

But with his self esteem he's not goign to be able to differentiate

Or to trust that they will undertsand the situation when he talks to them

He would probably feel like he wouldnt even get to the point of being able to explain

There going to have a long talk

While they work on getting Prompto settled with them

Which would make him all kinds of uncomfortable

But they would assure him that its just while they get everythign sorted for him

Get him emancipated

And then get him signed up to any and all benefits he would be applicable for

Scholarships, grants, you name it

He would end up more comfortable financially than he ever was while living in his 'parents'




I like the idea of them getting him all the help he should have been getting from the start without even getting his parents involved. Like. He doesn't have to feel bad because he's not using the royal money but he's also more well off than he was when he was hiding everything. He can trust the boys and they sure as hell can trust him. Ignis spending as much time as he needs to talking to prom about asking for help and understanding that this kid takes things to mean the extreme. A lesson has been learned for everyone involved!