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You sill see a lot of things I mention repeat over the images, it might be worth looking back after. Honestly I tried to drag them all into Sai at once and the memory panicked so the notes are a bit all over the place 

(ive realised right clicking or saving images doesnt show you them in full size so I'm going to add them as downloads so you can see my chickenscratch)

When I mention rules they're never set in stone just a handy guide most of the time. Like with the line of action its any line that flows smoothly through the body. You can follow bones, muscles, imaginary lines even negative space.

I find when I do these kind of strips; because theres so many panels it warms me up as I go so there's no need to worry too much about being too detailed in the sketches

Using different colours is a godsend for complex poses - also do them on different layers so you can lower the opacity on certain colours to see the one you're working on easier!

In the bottom left you can see where I added these lines into the sketch automatically. I do a lot of mapping as i sketch but at this point it's not something i even notice doing.

This was actually a pretty bad drawing day, you can see a stiffness to the sketches. Also when I say a bad drawing day that doesn't always mean the end result was bad - it often means that getting there was HARD and lacked the usual flow.

Also when I say that its an observation more than - reassure me please!! I know its a temporary thing

When my sketched get DARK it usually means I'm struggling a bit with the pose too. Often when I start the first sketch will be noticeably darker than the ones following because I'm not warmed up and everything is testing me

The middle top, I was figuring out their leg placement as I drew so I just drew them over eachother until I decided where I wanted them.

Because Im less familiar with drawing the BTS boys (Bottom left corner) I tend to add more to their sketch to help myself. Ive recently started drawing Witcher and the reason I don't need to do this for them is pretty much because they're very like characters Ive drawn before. Jaskier reminds me of Stiles and Geralt is like Comic book characters.

The bottom left one is something I use often when drawing NSFW pictures to find where the bits will hang, I'll go into this a bit more in another post but its all about finding where it sits and how much you will see in any picture

Top row are stiff and a sign of a bad night but then I clearly warmed up and it went better. Sometimes you just have to SLOG through the block.

Ive found I often lately have to force myself to start and it's awful to begin with but 80% of days you'll warm up and it will be SO worth it. 

This is definitely how to up your sketching game

I want to share this youtube channel with you and most especially this video

Here you go 

I've really enjoyed listening to his insights lately because he talks a lot about just getting on with art even when you're not inspired.

Also the concept of not being afraid to create bad art. 

Just do it!




Ahh thank you thank you thank you 💗

Anabel (latt)

this is so awesome! You are the best!