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So I was imagining it starts off with the jerk pretty much saying that Prompto is only here because of the favours he's been performing for Noctis

And that maybe he should consider sharing his talents with the rest of the recruits


ughhhh throw the whole man into a volcano


Prompto's like 'what are you even talking about???'

And he's like 'Its the only thing you niffs are good for - can't be trusted for much else'

Prom twigs what he's getting at 'Y-youre disgusting!'

And probably starts making more noise which leads to panel 2

Prom bites him and it works on getting the guy to back off but now he's angry

So Prom is probably frantically thinking up his next move, he's gotta get out of there

The guy probably twists around angry at his fun being cut short

And Oh, there's the King

Who probably overheard what he was implying about Noctis too

'Consider yourself dismissed, permanently. Our legal team will be in touch'

He's probably expecting a lecture

He's been one part of a disturbance

So he's probably expecting a write up from Cor - not as severe a punishment as the other guy but a punishment none the less


also like prom's probably thinking Prom instigated it, and like that maybe if that's the reputation he's giving Noct, that he's going to be asked to leave ; A;


Regis is thinking it's time for sensitivity training for the recruits

He's definitely going to make an example of the other recruit to teach this

'Has this happened before, son?'

Pulling out his embroidered hankerchief so Prom can wipe his mouth

Proms like 'Oh no, no, this has never happened'

And Regis is about to breathe a sigh of relief because the rot might not have spread far

And then Proms like 'Normally they just call me names or play pranks'

'W-which is totally fine! I can deal with that no problem'

HE's like NICE~ Harassment, bullying, xenophobia~~~ bingooo

Disaster lawsuit in the making


the furtherest thing from prom's mind

although he SHOULD D<


Prompto would definitely be very suspicious of any kind of care


meanwhile prom's probably thinking "will I at least get to say goodbye to noct before they kick me out?" ; w;


the STORIES they would get when they go to the other refugees

in service to thr crown


Regis is like 'I messaged Noctis, he's on his way. You don't have to tell him anything but I thought we might go to Cor's office and get your statement while its fresh on your mind

But back to what you were saying minu

Noctis being on his way probably feels like his chance to say goodbye



i kinda feel like

Prom will start to cry finally, when he sees Noct x'D

everyone thinks he's upset over what happened which he IS

but more it's he's thinking this is the last time he'll see him LOL


Especially seeing as Noct would be like an angry cat

'What did you do dad?!?!'

'Did Cor do something???'


that pushes him over the edge


i love him

so overprotective of prom

in the best way


But like i also imagine him hauling Regis up from the floor

'Why were you on the floor!? D< The cold will make your leg worse, GODS'

A fusspot


Noctis baby you're about as intimidating as an angry kitten pls


Regis is probably that kind of dad texter

where he just sent the most minimal text

'Prompto, hurt, corridor B12. x dad'


Noctis probably came WARPING in


But yes there will definitely be training for the other recruits

Tbh there's probably more refugees than just Prom

He's just the only Niff

So it would very much be like 'we've become aware that there's an issue within the ranks'

And they'd probably offer for anyone who wanted to report it for it to be provate


oohh makes me think like

other refugee recruit probably protect their own but prom being the only niff


The main offenders are very much the 'Do you know who my family is~~ no one will believe you' types


they probably were just like, whatever and left him to fend for himself


yesss Minu, he's an outsider even to the outsiders

He still has the advantage of being friends with the Prince

They don't get such liberties


which ironically ostracizes him more


Prompto wouldnt want to report anyone

Just let me fly under the radar plz

Thats pobably what made him even more of a target because they were really taking their lives in their hands picking on the Prince's best friend

But his confidence was so low

It was so easy to keep him silent

Honestly it probably became a bit of a game

To see what they could get away with around the bros

Especially when they full on tripped him up one day while Gladio was there

and he was like 'up you get doofus, what happened?'

'T-tripped over my feet'

It would be...endeared XD

'What a clutz ♥'

Oh also I imagined some dialogue after Prom bites the guy

'You fucking animal!?'

'I was gonna be nice about it but now I'll treat you like the bitch you are'

Regis overheard all that too

Regis' dismissal is probably more frightening for the fact that he doesnt get angry

Just tells him to collect his things and leave

Like, 'don't worry - you're going to be paying for this but I'm not about to dirty my hands on someone like you'


hohooo yess gotta keep a clear head when youre king


He has to be above emotion in a way

However furious he might be


i really like that, because it's a great contrast with Noct who emotional as fuck



But then when you see older Noctis in game

He's much calmer




yess he's learned




I can see like cor just being like “why is it automatically my fault??”