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'You know how I feel about excuses Prompto'

Prompto has been running errands for him during WoR

The payment is much needed supplies or Ardyn staying away from the bros

And this is the first time he's come back empty handed

He's like 'Perhaps one of your friends might do a better job'

Or the protection on the Garage is about to wear off

"Ardyn, please!!?"

"This is a lesson you must learn, Prompto."

Maybe he decides to be 'gentle' and picks one of the Hunter encampments

By the time Prompto gets there to warn/save people its been decimated

Im also feeling like the things Promptos been seeking out are keeping Ardyn alive

Maybe theyre in locations he cant go

Its enchanted or something

And Proms strong and able and so so malleable

Maybe missing out on it this time shows him that what he's been finding has been helping Ardyns power

What a dilemma that would be - if he stops how long would it take for Ardyn to be weakened

But how many would be lost to Ardyns anger

He'd probably have to talk to the bros

Imagine them setting up a meeting with Cor and others

and Prompto has to admit that he's been essentially working for Ardyn

He's going ot be shunned hardcore

Like even the boys wouldnt take it well

Maybe they assume that his time with Ardyn pre Noct going into crystal brainwashed him in some way

Never mind that he's potentially found a way to defeat Ardyn

By the time Noct returns he would be weakened enough for Noct to take him on

They also probably foolishly assumed they were holding out better than they thought

So they were like, No, Ardyn hasnt been just allowing up to stay in places - we've been successfully holding off the demons'

This isnt even a question

Prompto should stop helping him

Maybe they decide to take matters into their own hands and lock Prom up so he physically cant

And then the assaults begin on all their strongholds

Because Ardyn is livid

And this is the point where they see, wow, what he was doing was actually keeping a lot of people alive

But theyre unwilling to admit this - Prompto still should have told them

Can you imagine Noct returns and he's like 'Wheres Prompto??'

Oh uh...in a ...prison cell...'

Noct wouldnt be caught up on ego

He'd be like 'Right, let me get this straight?? Prompto found a way to defeat Ardyn and you....punished him?'

'Yeah but he-'

'-was being blackmailed?'

Prompto hears the door opening and he's like 'yup, mind finally gone' when he sees Noctis

And Noctis wants him by his side providing he's well enough

He's probably thin and not as fit as he used to be

But hes a ranged fighter anyway so he's going ot be at a distance

Whats sucks for Prompto is Ardyn doesnt even care about Noctis anymore

There's only one person he wants to hurt when they get there

That does mean he's distracted tho

Noct is not going to have a hard time

Ardyn would also say stuff that would have the others CRINGING

'Glad to see your comrades at least made you suffer'

'How quickly they turned on you'

Noctis is like 'Not all of them!'

'Youre looking well Ardyn'

He's all inky leaky




Ahhh I always love the stories you make to go along with these ❤️