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This is how i saw it going

Derek hands him the ticket to get him out of trouble, because boy does he find it

But Derek thinks he's being 'helpful'

Hes organised accommodation and a college for Stiles

The best of the best

He has the money for it

So imagine his surprise when Stiles hands stop shaking

His face hardens and he shreds the ticket

Right in front of Derek

"If you want me gone, I'll go. But it won't be on your terms - it will be on mine.'

'Thats not what-'

'Tell yourself what ever you want to make yourself feel good, but this is shitty Derek, arghhh, all I've done for you idiots and this this the thanks I get?? So long and don't let the door hit you on the way out'

And to make it worse

Derek had genuinely tried to find a course that would suit Stiles

He's asked Scott but Scott only knew what OLD Stiles wanted to do

They havent really been having many heart to hearts lately

So to see how little they all know him is another slap to the face

He has acceptances, he'll do his own thing. He can do supernatural research/consultation to pay his way

Maybe he's been working on his spark, he can use that to finance himself

He hadnt told the others because a. they never ask

and b. he wanted it to be at a level where they would be appreciative

None of this 'still getting the hang of it'

And boy is he glad he kept that close to his chest now




I see you’ve found my most favorite trope