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Sensitive topic ahead - Coersion. Be safe

The words had been Used (ellay) and Wander (MsC)


I feel like they got into a fight and it was about a boy

In the sense that Noct is having a very hard time coming to terms with his feelings for Prompto

So he's going ot shit on anyone Promptos interested in

and it's been gradually getting on Promptos last nerve because he's talked to Noctis about sexuality and stuff

Noct is like YUP, GIRLS

Proms like '...maybe both???'

Prompto who had been crushing on Noctis was like 'right well, we gotta move on from that bad idea

And he's been working on it and theres been some guys because he's curious

But Noctis is always like 'nahhhh, he sucks'


oooh, poor nocts probably been fed the "make an heir" line so much that he feels like it has to be that 'A' but ahhh thatd be frustrating


'Thats the idea bud'

Definitely a lot of internalised homophobia

Noctis makes a face at that

At face value for Prompto is, Nocts looking kind of homophobic my dude

I imagine it all reaches a crux

and Noctis is like 'look I really don't like that dude, he's only after one thing'

Prom is so frustrated

Noct basically implies hes gonna use Prom and drop him

Promptos like 'What is your problem!???'

Because he hasnt liked anyone

Is it the gay thing because thats not going away

So Noctis needs to either get his head around that or theyre not gonna be friends much longer

And Prom storms off

his sort of boyfie calls him over

he HAD been putting off being alone at the guys place

And the guy is being all kinds of comforting

Which is exactly what Prompto wants

And then it takes a turn and Prom's like 'don't think I'm ready but he's been so nice to me...'

He's someone in their school, an older student - making his interest in Prompto all the more flattering

So after the guy is like 'Okay, you can go now.'


He wanted to see if fucking a Niff was different

And Proms like 'I don't understand...'

Basically implies he was hard work but it paid off in the end

Plays the 'you agreed to this - seemed like you had a good time too'

Prom starts shoving his clothes on

The guys like 'Hey Prompto, you agreed to this remember'

Making sure that part sticks

Grabs his shoes and gets out of there

Just wanders home in a numb daze

Noctis is sitting on his doorstep when he eventually gets there

'I uh, you weren't answering my texts...so I...'

'Prom, are you, are you okay?'

'No, I'm not'

Noct doesnt even get it

He's like 'I'm so sorry about what I said Prom. I was being a dick'

'A ROYAL dick'

Trying ot make him laugh but Prom just starts sobbing

I figure Noctis did a lot of thinking in the time inbetween too and has realised hes literally been noping out as soon as his brain even considered being less than straight

So he's like SO utterly out of his depth

I imagine him calling Ignis


He wakes Gladio up to come with him

Didnt really listen to Noct's reasons, just blasted on over there full of righteous fury

Its only when he arrives that he realises this is a lot more serious than he thought

Because Nocts probably realised by now whats happened to Prom, he's full of self loathing and blame

Noctis would probably rush it out or text them real quick while he continues comforting Prompto

Gladio is sick with anger

Which Prompto would instinctively think was directed at him

But he's like 'There's this thing called COERSION, doesn't matter that you agreed. You agreed under duress while you were emotionally compromised'

'Did he have to ask multiple times?'


'And was that because you were refusing at first?'


Gladio has a sister Prompto

He knows all about this kind of thing, he's made sure he's aware

He'd reach across and slap Noct upside the head

startling everyone

'Thats for going out without telling anyone, but Im glad you did'

I also feel like Ignis would be watching Noctis like. He's not acting right

Asking him to step into the hall to speak privately

'Noctis - what is it? There's something eating you up'

'This is my fault'

'Excuse me?'

'We had a fight earlier - if I never had said what I said this wouldnt have happened'

Ignis would put his hands on his shoulders

'Noctis, this boy is a predator. There's only one person here who is to blame. If it hadn't happened tonight it would have been another night - another person.'

Nothing can be changed but they can deal with the aftermath as best they can and first thing to realise is there's onyl one person to blame

Also I feel like poor Prompto would be so uncomfortable because theyre probably trying to see if he needs a doctor

he's like 'N-no I...it felt good'

There's also the fact that it should be reported

Prom absolutely would be having none of that

Gladio's like 'Okay, so you choose violence then' *cracks knuckles*

He's just gonna talk~



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