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I kind of imagine Cor notices him holding himself a bit strange after practice

And he calls him over to check on it

Prom keeps jumping away which annoys Cor

Just suck it up and let me check

And after some prodding he's like 'Can you walk?'

'Uh yeah...?'

'Follow me'

And leads him to the infirmary

'I'd like to request a CT - pretty sure he's bleeding internally'

Proms like 'um...wow???'

Cor just turns to leave, pauses and says

'Don't conceal injuries - you would have died if you wen't home after training'

Proms wide-eyed and terrified

Straight to the point

Abandons him there

The doctors are used to him, and hes usually right

'Alright young man, take a seat'

Cor is gonna be having a talk about unnecessary force

Im just imagining a later incident with Prompto and he comes up to Cor

Cor's like 'Is there a problem Argentum?'

'I um, think my arms broken?'

Happened at the start of training

Cor just breathes loudly through his nose

'I thought it was just a sprain so I uh kept going but now its kind of ...hanging funny???'

Cor wants to strangle him

Like he'd hold it up to show

and Cor's all 'PLEASE, STOP MOVING IT'

LOL gives a wiggle for good measure


he probably has a preprepared message for Noctis

'Argentum in medical'

Ignis is like 'One day hes gonna text 'Argentum dead'

It becomes a private joke




The little tear in prom's eye is absolutely sending me. I'm a sympathetic cryer and this is so so good.