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my brain is like

too busy making up stories

everything from ridiculous to sad


Regis is like WE CANT KEEP IT

And then its like

like you said fatherly support

and also

'Im so sorry but you need to let Noctis go'

Maybe hes just stepping in to be a father figure because the boys are worried about Proms eating

and theyre out of their depth

Can you imagine Regis coming in as the recruits are training and asking ot speak to Prompto?

"Youre not in trouble, son. I hoped we could talk."

I was thinking like, it starts all serious and health concerns and then Prom says something about Noctis

And Regis is like '....tell me more'

And it becomes like their thing

And you know how Prompto works

If he feels like he's helping someone he's happy to do anything

Because Regis is so desperate to connect to his son

He's literally jumped at the chance to talk to his sons friend

They have weekly check ins

Lunch with the King, as you do~

And like, its also to talk to Prompto about himself

And there would be an improvement too

So Noctis is like

'Dad *__*'

And then a tentative

'We've been having tea, perhaps you could join us?'

'Uh...yeah sure'



We'd really appreciate if you could do this in as little damaging to Noct as possible

'O-oh yes of course'

Regis explains why


I can totally see that too - Regis's #1 priority is and will always be Noctis everyone else be damned


He wanted to speak with Prompto himself because he KNOWS theyre dear to eachother so he wouldnt send a middle man

But it's been starting a lot of dissent with Insomnians

Theyre just not ready for a Niff to be so close to the Royal family


Regis offers to fund his disappearance

Like he takes a scholarship in Altissia

Regis makes sure it genuinely benefits Prompto

A Photography course in a prestigious college

And a recommendation from the King

Prom pretends to recieve the letter

He applied never thinking he would get accepted


The boys are all out of the loop

But theyre like 'this is...uh, this is a great opportunity'

So Prompto goes

And he slowly weans himself off texting Noct

I imagine most cuttingly the other 2 reach out a few times to ask him to message Noct more

Which is painful for him


Gladio and Ignis are disappointed in Prompto, Noctis was very hurt by it

But as their leaving for their roadtrip Regis confides in the older two what really happened

And theyre like

What does one do with this information

Because Prom was just one teenager against the KING

He really couldnt do anything

And Prom knew if he mentioned it to any of them it would do irreparable damage to Noct and Regis' relationship

I imagine Ignis after maybe a year or two, opening Promptos contact

'I know what happened'

Regis doesnt tell Noctis

Just the older boys

Probably with the intention for them to reach out because he's seen the hurt it caused

But maybe with everything thats coming, Noct can be allowed this one thing



Everything aside Prompto had enjoyed the training he did

So he continued when he went to Altissia

He would definitely be a secret weapon when everything happened in Altissia

Maybe Ignis uses him as an inside man

Because Luna's there

Maybe he's graduated

If hes a reporter he probably has a press pass to places

There's some fluff piece with Luna



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