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Yes, Im making the porn sad. 

I kind of imagined blissed out Gladio giving Prom a backhanded compliment, Like saying something like

"Wow, kid you might suck hard at fighting but THIS you are amazing at."  

Which wow suddenly Prom is no longer in the mood, Gladio didn't notice Prom hadnt come. So Prompto is second guessing everything from if Gladio is with him because he's a great lay or if he has feelings for him. Does he really suck so bad at training? Is he only being kept around for this reason? 

Do others think this is how he's getting kept on in the Crownsguard - people are aware that he's with Gladio. Basically working himself up with what ifs. 

While all it was, was Gladio thinking he was being funny and giving a compliment.

WELL, you're not funny Gladio and you should know Prom better by now.

There will be a long lecture from Ignis for Gladio later when Prom asks Noctis some vague searching questions which he passes on to Ignis to see what Gladio ACTUALLY said because Prom wouldnt speak bad of him.

Gladio hadnt thought anything of it because Prom is one hell of an actor so he never even knew how deep he had cut him and Prompto never mentioned it.

Apologies will be forthcoming and lots of reassurance.




Aww Gladio, honey no. Reminds me of the piece you made recently with these two and the crownsguard was making fun of Prompto because god forbid he actually earned his right to be part of their ranks.


Gladio would totally do something like this...but he's not wrong.