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Ava suggested Dose so I went for this part from the Officer Iggy au


for some context, in this AU Ardyn is involved in the drugscene

and has inserted himself inot Promptos life

Proms mother isnt well and Ardyn take 'care' of her for favours

Proms usually used as a runner

But a lot of the time he spends his time on the streets, not willing to go home because of who's there

When Ignis and co start cracking down on them

Tbf he drew Ignis on himself by abusing Prompto

So Ardyn as a last move of spite 'tests' the product on Prompto

Ignis finds him in their raid

And like, Prom doesnt touch the stuff

even a smaller dose is dangerous to him


is this like a rescue? or did he just come across him there during the raid?


He knew he was missing

He didnt know he would be there

and definitely didnt expect to find him like this

I also could imagine on an evening where he's moocing off Ignis and Noctis is there

and Ignis is aware of the hold Ardyn has on Prompto

Probbaly not the extent

Prom with say things flippantly

'Yeah moms sick'

He's very carely not to say anything to directly implicate Ardyn because he knows Ignis is a cop

and he'd be putting them both in a horrible position

So he censors himself without thinking

And nocts like

'huh. Ill pay for her hospitalisation???'

'Then you can move out?'

Because its that simple to him

'What hospital is she in?? is her surname the same??'

That would unknowingly be what set Ardyn off

How dare he think he's too good for this business

That he can just leave



he is too good ardyn




Poor Prom but god I love the whump - the recovery from this would be so rough. And the way he’s just limp in Iggy’s arms is so well done.