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Thank you all, thank you so much for supporting me. Its always been such a shining light to me. I hope 2021 will be your year - whether its your year where you rest, discover yourself, heal or succeed. 

I feel like we all put a huge amount of pressure on ourselves at this time of year to change or become something new but all we can do is our best, Don't hold resolutions like laws that you will be punished for breaking.

I always remember when I worked my previous job there was a lil group of old ladies who would come in Fridays and during lent I asked one of them if she had decided to give something up and she said "Chocolate - but only on every second day because if I tried to give it up completely I'd fail'

 So, be kind to yourselves - this year just gone has been hard enough.

My resolutions are to start eating dinners and to name my files properly...maybe.
I'm going to try to dedicate a day to batch-cooking food so that when I'm not emotionally or physically able to feed myself it will be there waiting.

Have you guys got any good ones. You should have at least one that's kind to yourself. Set time to relax, to read. Maybe we can give each other ideas!




Best New Years wishes to you too! Thanks for all of your lovely art. It makes


It makes the hard days better. I'm always happy to see the notifications.