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SO I had a super stressful evening where after gently reminding my 50yo male housemate that it was his cleaning week which he should have done 4 days ago and I got verbally abused, called an asshole, told to shag off, fuck off, called a bitch and when I complained him to the landlord while having an anxiety attack and sobbing my heart out (quietly...I wouldn't give him the pleasure of hearing me) my landlord said:

We've been complaining this one housemate constantly, there's no calm, no sad ending. Im just amazed a man with 2 daughters could have 'no gripe' with a person who does this but male solidarity I suppose.

Ah, im emotionally drained and really sad.

But I guess Im just being sensitive huh? 



Paula Gomez

You are not "too sensitive". Anyone would at least be shaken up by any form of aggressiveness like that. I do customer service and I feel shaking and on the verge of tears with an angry customer on the line. It sucks that you don't have anyone with you in your corner that can do something more and I wish I could do more. The most I can do is send you my support in any way and wish, pray whatever that you can live in a healthier situation.


Amen. I work retail pharmacy. Being verbally abused and berated for simply my job, or remining someone of their part of an agreement in your case, is not okay. You are not sensitive for crying about this, your landlord and housemate are assholes. You've complained about him before, if I understand correctly. That means he has a history of this behavior and should, therefore, be removed from the property.

Asidian Morris

This is awful, and your housemate can honestly just go fuck himself. What an entitled prick. I'm so sorry you're having to put up with this. You deserve so much better.