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'C'mere you lil worm'

'She slept so well'

'Yeah 'cause she doesn't sleep at night'

Okay sooo

Heres what was in my head

Proms parents arrive back after being away for a while

His mother had mentioned being pregnant so Prom thinks - this is it. They'll stay around now. He wasn't a biological child so that could explain their absence

Turns out that doesnt make a difference

At the start they have a nanny but one day she doesnt turn up

And Prom tries to get a hold of them

Eventually does and theyre like 'oh really? what a terrible woman'

Knowing they stopped paying

And that Prom would autimatically pick up the slack

They say they'll organise another and then theyre like

'you know, youre managing just fine~ its an expense we could do without

Right honey?'

'Um well....'

'Youre such a gem Prompto, what would we do without you??'

As if they dont live like he doesnt exist anyway

So he starts to juggle things

His neighbour has some kids and he'd went to her a few times with questions

And she's like 'i could look after...'

And he's like 'I dont have money D:'

She just says 'pshhh, whats the difference to one more in the routine - I'd be doing it anyway'

He'll find some way to help her out. He does the shopping for her and stuff so she doesnt have to

But thats where the real problem occurs

He gets SUPER attached - he's basically the parent and he realises he cant do anything

because the kid would be taken by child services and he would be separated from them

So suddenly it becomes imperative that the bros dont find out

Because he KNOWS this is terrible

And he shouldnt have to do this

but this is his baby sis

his goodest little girl

But his grades are slipping and his performance is weakening

He's also not hanging out with Noctis much


I feel like any competant adult would know something was up or suspect



But like, no ones gonna suspect - oh he's raising a child

Theyre gonna be like 'is he getting in to bad things?'

So he does his best

He's running on fumes until it all comes to a head

And he collapses during training

Probably ends up injuring himsel;f

so he wakes up in the medical wing

Everyones concerned because they ran tests and hes beyond run down

But hes just like 'what time is it?? WHAT DAY IS IT??'

Trying ot struggle out of the bed

I imagine Ignis would be like youre not going anywhere until you give me a reason why

Proms like 'I can't, I can't Iggy, please i have to get home? Please?'

Getting upset

And theyre like 'okay you need to calm down first'

Because he's wheezy

He probably tries to get them to promise not to do anything

and theyre like 'sure sure, just take a deep breath'

Hes so frantic that he's like 'yeah that will do lets go'

He's probably bandaged up too so when he gets to the ladies house he looks a mess

He can hear the crying

and of course its like dominos

And his sis has set off the ladies kids too

Shes so worried when she sees him too

Shes like 'oh baby, what happened'

And he starts crying and apologising

Shes like 'yeah, get in my house, you're gonna be getting a hot drink and youre not leaving till you have calmed

The bros stand awkwardly and she's like ......thats....the Prince uhhh

Awkwardly invites them in

The crying is probably dying down before they even step in because Prom beelined to his sis and scooped her up

Still sniffling himself, patting heads of the other kids

The bros are stunned

I imagine theyre aware he has a sister

but they probably thought the parents just took her with them when he stopped gushing about her

Hes cuddling her and avoiding looking at anyone

His momma brings him in some tea

Ignis wouldn't be able to keep his promise

He'd be like 'Im sorry Prompto but we need to contact the authorities - youre a minor'

And then this was the scene that i kept seeing when i was drawing it

Prompto begging Ignis

and being like 'I can manage - I'm all she has. I was doing fine. Shes perfect'


'Don't do this to me Ignis'

'They'll take her away - I'll never see her again'

Ignis is just heartbroken

I imagine he'd probably step back - he's not much older. He doesnt know what to do. He'd reach out to the adults in their life


crownsguard training

He could do his schooling online

Clarus is like 'I'm going to be blunt son, you're a child. A child should not be raising another child'

'She's meeting all the milestones t-that she should for her age.'

'Prompto, you shouldnt even know these things'

He's been making sure he's not fucking her up

Shes loved, never wants for food. Interacts with other children

When he tells Clarus this he's like

what about you Prompto? the doctors ran tests when you were injured. Youre underweight, exhausted - you collapsed because of the toll this was taking on your health'

'I...I can fix that'

He's probably like 'Look - first of all, let's contact your parents.'

Thats the first step. See if theyre willing ot step up. Have regular check ins from social services

They'd probably feign ignorance at first

The nanny excuse again, only now it's not prompto asking, its law enforcement

They're like 'we'll need you to show proof of payments'

Proms probably exhausted

Just keeping his sis close like they might steal her away

They also probably initially tried to have a person come stay with them, offered him to come stay at Gladio's

But his lady takes him in while things get sorted.

She always knew shit was going down but where they live this kind of neglect isn't new

she did what she could by looking after the little girl

And honestly she could see herslef that there was no sign of harm

But yeah spoiler alert, his parents dont step up

So they are going into care

I imagine they try to find a family that would take both of them but theyre all happy to take a beautiful lucian baby

A niff teenager - not so much

But I do think they would ensure he had some form of visitation

They probably honestly would offer Prompto to stay in the trainee dorms or with one of the bros

but he probably feels so betrayed

If the family wasnt willing to take him in too

theyre not going ot be that happy having him visit

Im imagining he would be looking into how old he would need to be before he could legally take over her care

But theres the problem that hes not actually biologically related

It would def cause a rift between him and the boys

Prompto probably holds a grudge more against the older two than Noctis

Because Noctis spent the whole thing like o.o

Not sure what to say about any of it

Gladio and Iggy are like - this is not legal

Noctis is like 'If Prompto is babie - how has he babie'

So he awkwardly pats Proms back and hates the whole situation

Noct is like 'cant we just get a minder in and have her here??

And Ignis is like 'I can't begin to explain what the media would do with that'

Prince Noctis adopts child with his classmate

I do think as time goes on Prompto sees the reasoning and understands the horrible situation it was for the boys

They werent just looking for an easy fix

Imagine if

His lady decides to reach out

maybe she had been contacted for a statement

And she applies to foster

And with the family being super racist against Prom

She is like 'this isnt a good environment for a child

And Clarus et al are keeping an eye on the situation when anything new happens

So when they see her send in a complaint theyre like 'lets fast track this'

I imagine a year or two has passed in this time

Prompto lived in the barracks for a bit. I figure this was the last straw for him and his parents too

He applied to be emmancipated and once he got it he was like PEACE im out

he's going to get through school, he'll work as much as he can

Still keeps in contact with Noct but doesnt want to be around the other two

Hes surprised when he gets a call from his lady

she didnt tell him anything

there was no point getting his hopes up if they were to be crushed

I also feel like she'd try to persuade him to pick his life back up where it used to be

He doesnt have many decent adult figures in his life

So shes like 'You need to forgive those boys'


is often splashed on the tabloids

Because he and Prom take her out to parks and stuff

theyre like 'secretly married?'




Me, reading this: 🥺😄🥺😊🥺😄🥺😊