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Promptis/serious illness


In this last panel Nocts just observing and Ignis startles him when he's like 'He's not been right lately has he?'

And Nocts just like 'no...'

At first they think he's purging

When they notice the minty breath any time he comes out of the bathroom

Have probably over heard once or twice

So they think it's ED related

Because he seems to be eating as normal too

Which is normal for someone who's bulimic

He's also getting thinner which points to that

So imagine when they decide to gently stage an intervention and hes like

'No, Im definitely not doing that - I just have a stomach bug or soemthing'

'For weeks??'

'I didnt realise it had been so long'

Time's been kind of questionable to prompto lately

Hes sleeping a lot

The others probably dont believe him at first

He's just trying to get away from the ED accusation

So Ignis is like - well if it's a bug you should see a doctor'

And Proms like 'ah, im a bit skint this month (another excuse) maybe next month'

'You shouldnt have to deal with this for that long, you can see the doctor in the Citadel'

'That seems excessive (excuse)'

'Hardly, it's decided then. I'll make an appointment for you for tomorrow morning'

Because they think nothings going ot turn up and that he's going othave to admit to the ED and they can work on helping him

And he goes to the doctor the next morning with few complaints, mostly that he's inconveniencing people

And they take blood and do all the regular tests. Hes just like 'yeah im throwing up and tired'

Docs like 'could be an ulcer, we'll contact you when your blood tests return'

The next day Ignis receives a call telling him that they hadnt been able to reach Prompto and hes like 'yeah hes in school he wouldnt be answering

And theyre like 'He needs to be brought to Insomnia general immediately - we'll notify them of his condition for his arrival'

Ignis is like 'w-what?'

'Should we send an ambulance?'

'No, I-I'm on my way'

Maybe some serious bacteria had shown in his blood and he was just shy of sepsis

So he needs to go in for a transfusion immediately

He gets to the school and Prom just looks how he had the day before, tired, thin but not like anything is seriously wrong with him

So he takes him to the hospital and Proms getting stressed because BILLS

Ignis is like 'Its COVERED. STOP FRETTING'

'You stop fretting! D: Why are you mad at me??'

They get him settled and start the procedures

Ignis probably doesnt even know whats going on yet

Which is not a place he likes to be

When he learns what it was and what a close call it was he's like


Prom recovers and is back to his normal self pretty quickly

But Ignis and the others are fussing over him like no ones business

As well as getting a lecture

'you need to tell us when youre not well D<'

'It hadnt seemed so bad??'



Carla Rivera