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They file into the room and its just really poorly timed

Noctis had been called out of school not an hour before

Maybe they had gotten wind that there was some uprising

But these guys have done their research and they know who to go for in Noct's absence

And to be fair they probably could already find Prompto when they got in

Being one of few blondes in the school

But they pretend like they dont know and terrorise the nearest student

Maybe its even some one who wasnt particularly nice to Prompto

And he offers himself up pretty fast

'Okay okay, stop posturing - you looked right at me when you came in'

Holds his hands up and stands

He probably thinks theyre just going ot kidnap him...'just'

But they drag him to the teachers chair and pull out the tape

The teacher is trussed up and the students are told to keep their hands on the desks

Theres about 10 people i guess

Theyre all masked and this guy has only shown his face to Prompto which prompto knows doesnt bode well for him

But thats all the more reason to hold out

But i imagined the teacher who is lying with her back to him, pulls out her phone and dials emergency services

But boss man notices and he stomps over and kicks it from her hands

And he's like 'you see, we were trying to be stealthy here, but now you've blown our cover theres no need to be quiet anymore'

and he clicks the safety and the teachers sobbing and Proms like 'no, please wait'

Shot rings out and Proms like

okay, i thought he was going to shoot her

But ow, turns out it was me

Which is ...better?? but also not cool at ALL

0/10 cant recommend

The teachers sobbing and cowering and the guys like 'this is on you'

Prom is grinding his teeth and groaning


ooo bab, where did the bullet get him? I mean..from that range, no where is good


Shot in the leg

The kids are screaming in fear and they can hear the scramble from other classrooms

He's like 'Well Prompto, our window just shrunk considerably~'

Also i figure there was some questioning before this

Promptos been smacked around for smart mouthing and just generally being difficult

Maybe he already flipped a panic button before he stood up at the beginning

So he's like : / REALLY to the teacher

because help was coming

He's been told what to do in these situations


The guy probably knows the emergency response time but what he doesnt know is that there's probably already people arriving

They were already on high alert with Noct having been called out

Imagine the Glaives bursting in the windows and taking out all the other gunmen

Nyx's blade embedding in the blackboard and then he's there booting proms chair

Prompto has acquired another bullethole in the time it took for them to burst in

The guy is like 'I know how to avoid killing you'

Prompto is half sobbing from the pain

'You were going to kill me anyway'

The guy is subdued because they weren't ready for someone to arrive yet

Then he's over to Prompto

The kids are probably torn between peeing themselves and in awe of the glaives

Prom's like 'you're such a dick, Nyx'

'Shit sorry kid, didnt realise you were aerated'

'Even still, you kicked over the chair'

Probably starting to shake as shock sets in now that the danger is passed

Noct definitely wouldnt have been told yet

Because hes a pain when Prompto was involved

I also kind of saw the kids parents after trying ot get Prompto kicked out

because he endangers their kids

never mind that it was Noctis thats the reason

When Prom mentions it to Noctis - maybe there were letters sent his parents way to 'talk'

And Nocts like 'okay cool'

'...who are you calling?'


Who will be calling their lawyers

To sue the school and if Proms withdrawing then so is Noctis because the school is not safe

And their reputation is about to go down the toilet

You can imagine the stress of this on top of the fact that Prom is still on crutches

The only positive is a lot of the kids in the class have new found respect for him

'W-weren't you scared?'


The ones that used to pick on him have either stopped or are being like their parents and blaming him

But the first one he stood up fro probably apologises

He's like 'i...didnt think you were gonna help'

'Yeah im not a dick like you 8D'

Hes also pretty cool because hes on first name bases with the Glaives

Noctis is like 'whats so cool about them

youre besties with the prince'

Proms like 'jealous?? 8D'




My main question is where did the second shot go?

Carla Rivera

ohhhhh I love this 🤩🤩🤩


I felt like, shoulder maybe? or hand which would both be pretty scary from prom