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Ignis - Suffocation

Im feeling like this is a Glaive - one of the turncoats

It would take a stronger than average person to best Ignis even when he's younger. The struggling and concentration stopped the Glaive noticing Prom's approach. 

He's pretty sure he's broken a priceless vase over the guys head but ...worth it.

Ignis would just lie on the floor trying to catch his breath for a moment. Prom would scramble to him to help.

I have images of the bruising on Iggy's face from the fingers digging in so i'd like to draw that and colour it later



Anabel (latt)

!!! Hurt ignis??! 😍👌


Lol at first I thought Prom hit the bad guy over the head with a cast iron skillet. Some sort of AU (non-royalty) and someone breaks into Ignis's place and attacks him... Think of all the fun to be had attacking the idiots with his kitchen ware! Though he'd probably be annoyed since that's not what it's supposed to be used for!


that would...also be amazing?? I wrote this before readign the rest of your comment and my brain had went - Prompto as kitchen staff in the citadel and happens on this scene. But omg i love yours toooo. Ignis would be like 'its dented, do you know how much this cost????' 'your life apparently??? a thanks would be nice dude.'


Oh, but Prompto as kitchen staff is also nice- if Prompto had a pot with, say, very hot water in it and ends up burning himself at the same time. And if Prompto worked in the kitchen, I imagine it would be an AU where he's even less certain of his status (like, if he's not Noctis's bff, surely he's very replaceable- his self esteem is not so great)...