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Sterek - Silence



They fight some big bad and it casts a spell on Stiles before it retreats

And he finds himself unable to talk

And he loses time if he tries to tell anyone

And you would think they would notice quickly

But no ones really giving him the time of day

Maybe the curse is broken by genuine concern

And the baddie wanted to hurt their bonds

But even they didnt think it would go one so long

to the point where they revisit stiles

and theyre like 'ugh, my issue wasnt with you - it was the dumb dogs - but youre stuck like this for now'


lol they almost sound ...concerned


XD imagine the enemy being like 'have you tried ignoring them for a few days? they might come to check on you????'

'what about this?? or this??'

And Stiles during all of this sorts out whatever issue the enemy had so theyre able to leave

But theyre like 'well i feel shitty now...maybe i can do something'

And Stiles is thinking 'what is my life???'

Because his dad hasn't noticed either

Imagine the pack being like 'why do you smell like xxx'

And stiles is thinking, this is it - they'll be worried

But then theyre like 'are you sneaking around doing something??

'WELL, answer us!'

'He has nothing to say for once - typical'

And Stiles would be like 'I CANT'

but all that happens is he zones out

so he looks like hes ignoring them

Imagine when Derek eventually, EVENTUALLY, says something

The first words out of stiles mouth would be a tirade

'you can all go FUCK yourselves'

And you can imagine Jackson making a snide comment about liking him more when he was cursed

And Stiles is like 'whatever, im out.'

He needs a break from them

WHICH is another kind of silence

But its the other way around now

And maybe after all the ...'discussions' he's had with the baddie

He has some research and travelling he wants to do

So when Derek turns up to talk to him - hes gone



Jacquelyn Mela

I love this! Especially the enemy giving a Big Yikes at his friends.


Seriously SERIOUSLY love this.


Aaaaaaah this makes me want to dive back into Teen Wolf fandom!!!! Such a good premise~