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Also as i was about to start i remembered a sleepy text doc id made

Story time

So imagine a situation where Prompto is a Niff spy

He gets in and he steals something super important from the Citadel

And then gets away with it and hides it

A few days later he's found by the glaives maybe

And he takes a bad fall/hit during the skirmish

And his memory goes kaput

Which means he cant remember where he stashed the thing

But he also cant remember much of anything

So the guards are like

'Hes the same age as Noctis, lets let Noctis pretend they know eachother

And he can try and find out where the thing is'

And obv Noct will have his personal guards with him at all times so he's safe

Noctis doesnt know Prompto so he doesnt care about the deceit

This is someone who has stolen from them, he deserves everything he has coming


But then Prom turns out to be amazing

And Noct and him get really close

like maybe INTIMATELY close

And then maybe Prom takes another bop to the head

and his memory returns

And he's horrified at the lengths that Insomnians will go to

And Nocts like 'no, wait no!'

Turns out Prom had defected and he was stealing the thing as a sort of preemptive measure

Because, full offense dude - it was kinda easy to get in

So if he didnt do it then someone else would have

So he was going to make it 'disappear'


Cor was out of the capitol working with Aranea and hadnt a chance to check back in with Regis

But they knew of the plan to steal this thing and Nea was like

'I know a guy'

Cor cant risk a phone call that might be tapped

So he's on his way back to let Clarus and Regis know in person

And he gets there and he's like

'....what have you done to my operative? D:'

and like, the suspicion is understandable from all sides

but the way they went about it is not so cool

Prom doesnt believe that Noctis meant it

But it will all eventually resolve itself


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