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Continuation of the 'Noct saves Barista Prom and the media goes nuts' pic. I added a tag


hes like 'what if my boss gets sick of the noise and fires me


oh booooy

poor thing

worried about all the wrong things

not the invasion of his privacy

but his boss being annoyed


Gets there the next day and theres a sign up 'Paying customers only'

Prom would be so apologetic and hes like

'yeah its annoying but...money??'

i imagine Ignis being like

'You really shouldnt just agree to get into strangers cars....'

'But....was i supposed to say no?'

'You should ask for identification'

'C-Can i see some ID?'

'Bit late now, but nonetheless - here you go'

'Specs youre freaking him out'

Promptos about to get a crash course on what the media is and isnt allowed to do

I was just imagining Noct deciding Prompto needed a guard

Nyx - ugh but hes so good looking...that might be a bad idea

Crowe - too beautiful

Libertus - too charming


just do it yourself Noct

problem solved



Ignis is like 'Is it not more about their ability to protect him?'

'ughhh fine, Nyx'

Initially Ignis was expecting to be contacted by Prom to extort money

Thats usually what happens

They threaten to leak fake stories

i also imagine Prompto being CONVINCED Ignis hates him

And after Ignis drops him home he turns to Gladio

'He's quite adorable'

Gladio's like 'A little lamb'

Which he means as both good and bad

He's going ot get eaten alive

Proms just like 'im too gay for this'

'Would you like your lawyer to look these over before you sign?'


Prompto ends up there 3 hours longer than planned as Ignis goes through the NDA with him section by section

i imagine him even being like 'a lawyer might decline this section'


'Because it.....'

'Oh okay, no thats fine.'



Love the idea of Ignis just taking that time, the need to help/protect when he realizes just how out of his depth Prom is



Theres nothing underhanded about him

Hes just totally innocent

Which is kicking off his mother hen instincts with a vengeance



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