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i feel like this was a very narrowly avoided accident

Like because of Noct, there is a crowd of peopel trying to get his attention

Prom is just walking along behind it trying ot get home after a long shift at work

And a person bumps back into him and its like slow mo

he stumbles back off the curk onto the busy road

And Noct throws his phone XD

and suddenly hes flashing into existence in front of Prom and wrapping an arm around him

I imagine he's livid

and is lecturing the person

And Proms like 'ummmmm, your hand'

As Noctis still has his arm around Prom

Imagine all the photos that will be in the papers

The stories the tabloids will spin

Noctis is like 'Oh!' *lets go*

But then is like 'Are you alright???'

Prom goes to work the next day in the coffee shop and is immediately spotted as the boy Noctis was with

Probably hounded

and he's like 'i.....just fell and he caught me?'


oh boy that's probably not a thing he's used to



'I dont???'

'You dont sound so sure!!'

Photos probably appear of Prom at work

And Ignis is like 'oh no way, thats serious invasion of privacy - we need to do something'

Nocts maybe saved some of the photos to his phone

>__> now he nows where he works

So its time to make everything worse for Prompto


oh lawd. Like usually stalking isn't cute, but noct is awkward AF despite his suave appearance so it counts as flirting.


XD yeah the media think he's aloof and mysterious


Awkward af

Can never think what to say

imagine how Prom must have felt

There was nothing he could do to stop himself

he hears the horns blaring

when Noct leaves go of him his legs decide nahhh we done




I can see this going very bad for Prom at first 😂 Not being able to go to work because people don't believe him about what happened. Swarming him, since they know where he works now, and his boss just giving the poor kid some sick days to use. You've got the whole spectrum of people out looking for him. Good and bad. First time Not goes to his work, its chaos. So many people have been waiting for him to show and oops, Prom isn't there- 🙃

Jacquelyn Mela

I'm like, hearing a movie soundtrack looking at Noctis in this picture. The first meeting of the main characters, haha.