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King Regis - Abandoned


im feeling kind of romanoff vibes with this


Prom is Dimitri and Noct is anastasia


omg now i'm just picturing ardyn as rasputin




with all the falling off limbs


So there's going ot be a Niflheim attack to wipe out the lucis caelum

So for best chance of survival its best to separate them

Like theres decoys and all

So its like whoever the assassins choose to follow

They're spread thinner

But the gaurd with Noctis gets taken down

And Prom sneaks Noctis away

But he's gotten a bop on the head

so his memory is GONE

And after the night of attacks Insomnia is a mess

Lots of people have been killed

Theres a lot of orphaned kids

And Noctis is just another of them

8D imagine Noctis' magic manifesting during his time in th eorphanage

But maybe some intel gets to Regis and co much later that they never managed to confirm a kill on Noctis

So Gladio and Ignis set off to Insomnia

Maybe its controlled by Niflheim so its gotta be very stealthy

And maybe Prom is another orphan there

his parents took their chance to bounce

Perhaps Prompto knows who Noctis is the whole time

And like, If you imagine Gladio and Ignis being the ones who he has to persuade

And theyre not sold

But they'll take him back, its worth a shot



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