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Shitty parents/neglect - Prompto

'That was my palms smacking the floor...i can still feel it haha'

I keep imagining during this that Prompto's like

'Dad, I'm sorry, I swear i didn't do anything'

Even the Principal was like 'he doesnt appear to have instigated it or fought back - but it's our policy...'

And after this

'Dad, I-'

'Pardon? What should you be saying if you misbehave??'

'Ah, S-sorry Mr Argentum'

Total emotional abuse

If you dont act how i expect im not going ot consider you my son

So its liek the ultimate reward when he can go back to calling him dad

i feel like Prompto would live under the constant anxiety that he could be 'given back'

if he isnt perfect



Asidian Morris

This is so good. Ow, my heart. This poor boy. ;;