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I was thinking

About Prompto having difficulty sleeping in beds once everything's back to normal

he's spent a decade sleeping either on the ground

or in not so nice conditions

So the softness and comfort of a bed would be alien

And when Noct comes to check on him

hes always on the couch

Often crying in his sleep

its just uncomfortable

which paradoxically is comfortable to him now




The idea of Noct checking up on the bros from the beyond just breaks my heart. What would he see? Would he see Ignis crumble at the end of a day, trying to fulfill the unification of Lucis and Niflheim like Noctis wanted? Would he find Gladio unsure of what even to do, without his King to protect? Would he find the three of them lacking in communication, drifting further and further apart as they grow older?


Those hands are so beautiful :)