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Promnis - Hostage/Lure

I feel like this is one of those situations where Prompto has his friends saved as funny names in his phone and Ignis is 'Mom'

So the kidnappers ring his mom and probably dont even say anything themselves - which was a pretty fool move. They just hold the phone to Promptos ear.

Ignis once he realises what is going on alerts Gladio to call for a trace on Prompto's phone and reassures him down the line.

"Are you hurt?"

"J...just a little..."

Prompto is not to be trusted on his own wellbeing so Ignis makes the signal that medical support should be with the team.

"It won't be long, Prompto. Just try to stay calm. Be brave a little longer"


Imagine the kidnappers surprise when the crownsguard bust down the door 20 minutes later. Ignis may have exaggerated and mentioned that it could have something to do with Noctis so they acted doubly fast.

He also figures that it would be better to go directly to the hospital and wait there seeing as they would probably miss him if they waited to know the location.

Prompto's pretty shaken but he's okay. I imagine he's pretty thrown off - he was always kind of prepared for something to happen because of being friends with Noctis but when it happens for no reason - just a random incident he doesn't know how to react.

Of course when Promptos parents are reached and once they realise he's already recovered they express their gratitude and ask to speak to Prompto.

Tell him they love him and theyre glad he's safe, thank goodness for the quick actions of his friends. He hangs up and Ignis asks when they're going to get back.

"Oh uh, they're not coming back...I'm fine now."

Ignis' face goes blank 

"What part of sitting in a hospital bed after being KIDNAPPED is fine." Gladio growls. Ignis hushes him before he can start destroying things.

"Despite your opinion we would much rather if you spent your recovery at his highness' home."

"I don't want to be any trouble..."

"And you shan't be, that's settled then - I'll go check your paperwork for release."

Ignis feeds and coddles Prompto for the next week, signs him out of school - Noctis is not impressed when he is still expected to attend but Ignis insists.

And they all live happily ever after until the game starts~ The End.



Starry Squirrel

Ooooo Iggy's clenched fist! He's pissed!
