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Chocobros + Memory Loss


'My dude, I know this is a free mountain but youre louder than a herd of Anak'

'Some of us are trying to work'


i friggin love prom's expression tho.

like the very definition of UGH


'this man is too happy to have climbed all the way here'

Prom had to just lie for 10 minutes when he first got up

'Prompto! 8D'

'....Do I know you? Sorry, Im really bad with names?'

Oh I have an idea

Maybe to bring Noctis back it created a sort of alternate reality

Gladio and Ignis would always be his guards

But Prompto is a 50:50 chance

Gladio and Ignis I feel are just following along Nocts wild goose chase, humouring him

Secretly hoping he hasnt lost his mind

Proms like 'omg is he going to cry??????'

'I uh, sorry, I thought you were someone else...'


'A' I mean

technically not wrong

but also oof


I figure when he gets them all together

Or when he has any physical contact with them

They start having dreams

So like Noctis is turning to leave and Proms like

'Uh wait um, take my business card'

And their fingers touch

Later Prompto realises

.....that was the fucking KING OMG I WAS SO RUDE

I also feel like Noctis wouldnt be able to resist texting him

Like to at least create some sort of acquaintance

Imagine the conversation

'I know this is so weird but like I keep having dreams with you in them'

'Oh yeah 8^D?'

'N-Not liek that!!'

Naked hugs

That should fix everything


noct hold back your thirst LMAO



Alysha Atkinson

noct looks so sad ;A; channeling that sad crying cat face