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Stiles and Consort were the words

So i went with the 'I'll let your pack go unharmed if you stay and agree to be my mate'
And scott would be a dumbass and be like
'Why stiles tho??'
And the guy is like 'haha you dont realise what you have huh?'

This is your typical Stiles is a BAMF situation. He's been nurturing his spark but of course the others don't acknowledge it or want to know about it so he starts to pull away from them only joining them on occasion when he gets dragged along for Pack business or when they need him to search something.

But Stiles has been doing his own thing  - theres a reason Beacon hills has been quiet on the supernatural front and he's the reason. So he's made a name for himself.

Cue this pack turning up and basically trying ot blackmail Stiles into agreeing to be the Mate/consort to the pack Alpha and Derek is NOT HAPPY. Stile of course agrees because he wants his fam safe even if they dont appreciate him.

Stuff happens, Stiles rescues himself and meets the belated rescue team on his way home as theyre coming to save him.

Eventually they get put in their place regarding appreciating him. Maybe the reason they took so long to come get him was because they were missing their member who always came up with the plan but they hadn't realised just how important a role Stiles played.



Ellay Gee

Gaaahhhh the grip on his face just kills me. The like "yas you'll do nicely" implication of it is just too wonderfully evil.


You've single handedly pulled me into the Teen Wolf fandom with your art and I have no regrets.