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Promptio + Hand Kisses


Regis is like 'Clarus...can you control your son?'

Ten minutes later a smug Clarus is like 'what about now??' when Nocts fawning over him

Prompto has probably been raised with very biased opinions of Lucians

and this is his first visit

So he was expecting less of a welcome

He was expecting rude Lucians

Instead he gets charming hunky men kissing his hand

Princes offering an elbow to lead him somewhere to show something

Ignis asking him if he would prefer them to use certain customs while he was there

A phone alert

Ignis SCOWLS at Noctis

Prom hesitantly asks 'You play Kingsknight?'




i see this and raise you the three of them competing for his affections 😍😍😍 BUT ALSO it's all in good fun because all 4 of them win