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Starving oneself to keep resources available for the others /eventually passing out

'Oh you dont need to get anything for me - I already grabbed some'

Ignis is like '...i dont remember you eating?'

'Wanna smell my cheese breath??'

'There are few things I want to do less'

Ignis is like '...ew'

i have this image of Gladio going ot hoist him up

And he over compensated for weight that wasnt there

So hes like 'uh.....'

Ignis' eyes narrow

'Have you lost weight?'

Lol Gladios STRONG but like, hes also careful with the more breakable teammates

i was thinking about that Msc

I imagine Ignis saying

'While this isnt optimal, its better than the alternative.'

And Proms like '...the alternative?'

'Well considering your problematic relationship with food, i feared you were falling back into old habits'

'oh uh, no, no im okay'




God, every time you cover situations like this, I resonate with Prom so much. I did shit like this back in highschool until I finally moved out of my stepmom's house. Anxiety over resources really sucks. I feel for you Prom! Lovely as always, gotta love that (hurt)comfort! So much!

Lady Saevam

Eeeee!! That was my prompt. God why do I love Prompto whump,?!! Probably because you draw it so well and it makes my heart break


AWWW *hugs you* I hope things are better for you now! Thank you!


Oh yay!! I hope you like how it came out!! It was a great prompt!!