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Noctis - Starvation

'C'mon your highness, just answer the question and you can have some'

'Come one, just a word and you can have some water'

'Fuck you'

And the guys splashes a glass of water in his face 'Im a man of my word after all...'

i mean for a prompt like starvation

When its not long enough to visibly show

i felt like the focus should be the food

I imagine him sending recordings to the citadel

to taunt

or just leaving it recording

And Noct at one point is like 'Theres been this fast food wrapper on the food - he's never gone for long'

And the door slams and the recording shuts off

Left your guard down my dood

he probably beats the shit out of Noctis and runs

When they storm the place nocts just lying on the overturned chair


He kneq they'd find him now

Tries to act tough

'Couldnt do it without me huh?'

I imagine they get a description from noctis and go through all the cctv of the fast food places that theres boxes from in the trash

And once they find a few reoccuring customers they go to noct and he identifies them

Regis probably insists he stays at the citadel for a while, while hes recovering

He's all 'Dad im fine...'

But Regis has Prompto brought there

like a gift XD

Look! your blonde friend

Prompto is totally freaked out

'...The king and a bunch of guards were waiting for me outside the school dude'

'Dad please...'


ahhh the smell would be torture

fast food always smells amazing





Jacquelyn Mela

Haha, I can just imagine Prompto's face! But hey, if you wanted to keep Noctis some place, having Prom there would be a good start.