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Broken Promise

the real question is - WHO broke the promise

because i know we're all like Ardyn lied


I kind of feel like Noctis has broken a promise

Not necessarily to Ardyn to

I was thinking more like 'Yeah guys totally, We'll all leave here together...'

And in order to imprison Ardyn, he goes with him

'You PROMISED Noctis!!'

'You promised me'

'Don't worry boys, ill take good care of him'

'Don't. Don't taunt them.'

i just imagine Noctis asking the other 2 to look after Prompto and hes like

GTFaway from me!!

But to them this was one of the last things Noctis asked of them so even though Prompto vehemently does not want to be around them

They keep trying

He disappears off their radars for about a year which totally freaks them out

Then Cindy gives them a call to let them know he's passed through

He's been running around, asking weird questions. Visiting strange places


I just imagined

He brings Noctis back



He's like 'THERE. NOW BYE.'

*sulk sulk sulk*

*dumps him on Gladio and Ignis' doorstep*

'Take him! You deserve eachother, buncha traitors!! D<'

He's like an angry cat

They get too close and he's hissing and spitting

To be fair with how long Noctis spent with Ardyn

He probably isn't feeling great

So he needs some serious looking after

LOL i just imagine he puts all this energy into creating soem kind of portal machine

Pops up beside them

Boots ardyn away


Probably has created some kind of containment weapon

That can hold Ardyn for a while

While he gets them outta there

Which just goes to show that if they had worked, gee I dunno, TOGETHER - maybe they could have come up with a different plan

Rather than them all deciding 'oh poor prompto, he won't agree'

Well maybe he had a BETTER PLAN




Omg, i love this so much, this would have been so cool!! And the expressions in the first panel, omg. Ignis especially looks so Broken. Delicious. Chefs kiss.


Yesss, they would follow their Kings orders even though they don't liek it, they've been raised by those rules whereas Prom has most definitely not. He will fight you.


Ahhh I love the idea of the other two feeling so helpless while Prom is out there getting things done. They don't know what he's doing and can't find him and it drives them crazy. Then even when they do get Cindy's call, they still can't find him. Then he's back only to drop off Noctis and he's gone again. They have to care for Noctis for a while so they can't go after him immediately but they want to. Having to explain to Noct that Prom hates them and they failed to follow his last order, well... Things are still really messed up and no one knows how to fix it aHHHHHH I LOVE THIS CONCEPT A LOT


Love it. The emotion is this breathe taking. And you always draw Ardyn so lovely.


I feel like Noctis would not be surprised to find this out. He knows how badly he hurt Prompto but I guess he was hoping that he would forgive and move on but his boy is STUBBORN! Ahh its such a fun concept!