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zack reno


'Youre going to get splashed by the oil...'


'Kiss it better??'

'Where did it land?'

'...on my dick 8D'

Reno likes to live dangerous


I just imagine zack not giving him any warning and dropping some bacon in





sjshsjshsjdhsjsgduxhdvddhshs Yeeeeeeeeeeeees!!! Thank you so much! ;; Honestly, Reno has a very good looking boyfriend, a scenario like this (if he actually got burnt) would end with kitchen counter sex and a very annoyed Tseng calling asking why Reno is late (and if he knows where Zack is because he is late too but his phone is off)... This because, obviously, they are together in secret, since it could be really dangerous for them to go public, both due to company regulations but also due to AVALANCHE possibly using it against them. ... Sorry, I digressed, I just love them too much and have been thinking about them for years zjsvzjsbsj Thank you! ;;


Absolutely! Thank you! Me and my friend (the Zack to my Reno) once wrote a scene of them waking up and Lazard calls Zack and Zack is trying to talk to him while Reno takes it upon himself to be... Very distracting while Zack ia trying to talk on the phone while not being able to give away that he is with Reno (or what Reno is doing) xDDD But yes, for us, the kitchen counter is used a lot (it really comes in handy, too, for Reno to get his legs proper around Zack) x333