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On the bottom left drawings it was a bit too complex for me to go in on the same layer when I was sketching. Too many legs.

So I sketched on a separate layer, lowering the opacity of the layer I wasn't working on so I wouldnt get muddled - the sketch by itself is really busy looking but I could see what was going on.

Changing up the layers lets you be less careful - if i had decided to draw on the same layer as the bottom two characters I would have been worried about being too messy and it probably would have come out much stiffer (ahem) 

You can use as many layers as you need.

When I was drawing the nose kiss - if you overlay the line on hte sketch you'll see the overhead doesnt match up

Here again I created a new layer, hid the line of the lower character and drew the upper using the sketch guide, then I unhid the layer and moved Promptos face where his lips needed to be. Theres no point stressing over trying to match it up, and get proportions right. Draw both faces how they should be and then move them into place.


I got this fun thing on Aliexpress recently. I was grabbing one for my friends kid who is super interested in drawing (shes 7) and my housemate asked me to grab one for her too.

Heres a link to it 

Im sure you can find it elsewhere - You can find it for tons of different prices (search phone projector drawing XD that should bring it up)

I've been journalling and I thought it might be useful for doing repetitive patterns/doodles in there.

It's pretty neat and it works too (most importantly)

I'll show some pics of me using it tomorrow.



Heidi Pogner-Schultz

I NEVER thought to just move the whole body. OMG I have got to keep in mind with digital things don't need to be spot on right out of the gate XP


Yeah, honestly, just draw it how it flows and then resize and edit.