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Gnine: Freeze

When I was drawing it i kept imagining that it was Guys Night for Iggy

So his friends were calling over for some beers and a card game or two and a movie

So he tells Prompto and he's like 'Oh okay im out!'

And Ignis is all NO YOU ARE NOT

Before the guys are there he offers Prompto to join them - minus the beer

And he's like 'ummm...'

Ignis says; 'thats fine - dont feel pressured'

And tells him he can rest in bed instead

So he takes him and shows him to his room and Prompto is like 'Oh no way, I can't take your bed'

Ignis tells him 'Its fine - I dont have the guest room ready, the sheets havent been aired in weeks - youre not going in there'


Proms like '...so the bed is made but i cant use it?? me a grimey street urchin?? You think non aired sheets will bother me??'

And ignis is like >:[

'They'll bother ME'

And Prom laughs which sets him off coughing

So Ignis is like 'Right, to bed with you~'

And Noct and Gladio arrive while he's settling him. Let themselves in.

You can imagine when they're mid game and conversation and they hear Prompto start to cough

Ignis has told them he has a guest

Next thing Gladio's gone to get some medicine

Noct offered to make some tea but after a scathing look from Ignis is instead keeping Prompto company

Patting his back awkwardly

Which just makes Prom laugh

He's SO awkward

And the laughing sets off Prompto's coughs

Gladio arrives with a diffuser among other medicines

Ignis is like '...isnt that a bit much???'

'Nah, I used Noct's card'

Noct throws him a look after patting his pocket

When Prom's eyes go wide, Gladio's like 'he's loaded kid, It's fine~'

Prompto has new friends

Ignis is going to have a complex now

Whenever the weather is especially bad he's going to have to do a quick drive around to promptos haunts




;A; I love this AU so much. Give the bab all the care!


I love the idea of Ignis just like knowing where Prompto usually hangs to avoid being home. I can only imagine the mix of relief/anxiety when he doesn’t find Prom at any of them. Like “okay then he’s probably at home.” Followed by “oh god he’s probably at home.”