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I was honestly a bit blocked and slow tonight, well, not blocked exactly just had zero focus?

So i kept faffing up the layers and drawing and colouring on the wrong ones

...Thats why Clouds ears are on the sketch layer....a mess

I have the nsfw ones yet to do and honestly i was almost avoiding the left hand on because i wanted to do this weird pose justice xD

We were talking about sketching techniques during the stream and one of the things i often use is where you don't lift your stylus. Back when i briefly entertained the idea of working in animation we had lifedrawing classes.

One of the techniques my teacher used to make us change up our pencil pressure was that you werent allowed to lift your pencil. So you would have to press so gently that it was barely there. Then you followed the contours of the body and these light lines because to create depth in your sketch. 

One of the things she would tell us to do was to be softer where the material was soft, so softer figures you would keep it light and then harder surfaces you would put more pressure - like in places where there was bones closer the skin - the shoulders, jaw, elbow. 

It give a picture a lot of dimension.

I'll explain this better later.



Heidi Pogner-Schultz

Well, YOU helped me a LOT in the impromptu how-to-use-layers-for-dummies (meaning me, of course XD ) tutorial you gave. I am beginning to see the immense value in understanding layers, even if they get confusing at times. I am working on a mini fancomic of one a fanfiction story I like, and watching YouTube videos on how to use screentone (ziptone, manga shading stuff, etc.) and still draw over it. Which was done by adding another layer XD Ohmygawd I am so old! Not to get all old-lady preachy on you, but while I know things suck donkey dick right now, focus on your art and just keep learning learning learning. Don't be an idiot like me who gave up on it for over a decade because I laboured under the false sense of stubborn superiority -_- You are such a treasure with your work. I admire so many of the young digital artists these days. Not just digital--I patron two other artists much much younger than me and they draw perfect circles around with a #2 pencil. Anyway ❤ this! Love everything you do!


Ahhhhh you're so lovely. Ireland isn't as up shit creek as certain parts of the world. If you go back through my tutorials i have one on speech bubbles in clip studio. CSP is amazing for comics. Have you started downloading...assets? I can't remember what they're called but i found some great speech bubble ones that i can link you. I may have paid for them...i can't quite remember. I'll show you in a stream! I don't think age matters so much. I can see how much you're enjoying getting back into art and that in itself is wonderful. I know you feel like you missed time but you're getting it back and having a good time. Does your daughter enjoy art?