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For the NSFW one with the car I googled images of the regalia until I found one from roughly the angle that I wanted

Because this was a full body pose there was a bit more to the perspective and proportions than usual so I found it easier to just split the 3 into separate laters.

What this allows you to do it to comfortably draw through the other character so you don't have to be worried about drawing into other parts. I drew a lot more of Prompto at first and then lowered the opacity on his layer while I was working on Noctis.

It also allowed me to just grab things and shift them around. When I did the sketch I knew the placement of Nocts left leg was off but I just drew it and then moved it untill it looked right and comfortable.

Im still not entirely happy with the foreshortened arm but sometimes you have to stop agonising over parts and move on.

As for the car - I unsurprisingly am not very good at cars so I put it ther with the intention ot trace it. I did the same with the umbrella in Promptos sad pic from last night.

I never really mind drawing over props. Yes - Ideally I would ref it instead but it can be a timesaver and when it's something smaller I think it's educational in its own way for getting a feel for how the lines of certain objects go. 

God knows I dont have a clue of what half the things on the front of the regalia are XD but they probably don't feel very nice for prompto.



Heidi Pogner-Schultz

Actually, there might be something you can explain to me, and it is actually about erasing. Sometimes when I'm layering, and I go to erase, I get this weird, checkered texture image that appears where I am erasing, verses just white "paper" (my digital lingo is so pro ;- P). I am 99.999999% sure it's a layer underneath--but dang if I know why the eraser won't eraser like a normal eraser. Seriously, how can someone fail at erasing?? Not sure if what I'm asking makes any sense at all. Sorry if what I'm asking is too vague :- / I don't have a visual to show you what I mean.