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"What the hell is that?"

Prom is a bit baffled, punishments for misbehaving are normal right?? 

'Taking away your phone maybe???'

Some people don't deserve respect.



Ellay Gee

That's exactly what was going thru my head; the bewilderment. Like, duh bro, I mouthed off when I shouldn't have, totally normal--learned that lesson, though! People who don't experience that kind of thing have no idea how normal it seems. It's like the thing that happens to everyone, but no one ever talks about. Ughghh anyway, lovely and heartbreaking interpretation.


I love how well you capture Prom's almost mystified look, like 'wha, why are you reacting like that, this is nothing" and mean while Noct's horrified worried/angry look, spot on XD


Yeaaa, and especially considering he's been living with the psychological manipulation - to him Noct seeing these marks is more like Noct seeing him as someone who misbehaves not someoone who has been abused. So neither of them understand the others situation.


Ahh thank you! Yes, he's probably readings nocts reaction wrong too like, imagining Noct thinking 'shit how bad must you be to deserve that???'