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So, I made G9 suggest something other than hurt Prom and THAT worked out well. She asked for Ardyn getting some comeuppance in either the Prince AU or the popstar AU

So I chose popstar. One of these days I'll go through everything and tag seeing as patreon now allows more than 5 tags. There just wasnt any room to before.

Proms not gonna be allowed to stay there

Gladio knows full well it would

'I'll SUE you'

'Yeah good luck'

I feel like Gladio doesnt fully know whats going on here

Like maybe he's not sold on Prompto, doesnt trust him around Noctis

Musicians tend to have reputations but he knows a bully when he sees one all the same

And maybe this is what causes Ardyn to go on a big slanderous tirade about Prompto

I think i drew that pic where Prom is in the room with the boys

before he tells them the full story

...cant remember what i draw

And Ignis and Gladio are like 'he needs to GO' about Prom

And Nocts like 'Its absolutely not what you think'

And Ardyn is definitely banking on Prompto being too afraid to go public

Because he knows how much ardyn has on him

which, he right

So he's working on ending Proms career

Playing the fatigued manager, tired of covering up shit

But theres one thing Ardyn didnt consider

and thats Noctis' impact

Because Noctis has long suspected shit

And he's VERY persuasive when he wants to be

He's also the prince

So his lawyers are amazing

Maybe he sets up a television interview

That is VERY sympathetic

And with all the drama from Ardyn everyone's dying to see the excuses Prom makes

Because Prom does not look good at all with Ardyn's campaign

Ardyn didn't realise Prompto had evidence on him

Some of it probably wasnt strictly bad

but proof of Ardyn being smarmy towards Prom




Ahhh I love it. Love to see him get what he deserves.