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Totally cool, going fishing even tho you hate it to remember your dead king


What a catch

I feel like Luna used all she had to bring him back but she couldnt quite get him ot the same age

so imagine Noct being like 25 ish

Almost like XD she grew him but once it ran out he was the age she'd gotten him to

Maybe his memories only go that far too

So he's like still in the crystal to him

Theyre both like 'This is a dream D:'

Noct thinks even more so

In front of the class naked

Prom has a blanket in the car

imagine the adrenaline crash tho

hes all ready to fight ardyn but no you already did that buddy

Its cool, you fixed everything

Time to head back to insomnia

It would be so weird, everything in the process of being rebuilt

XD a statue of noct outside the citadel

He's like '...is that what i looked like?? wait does that mean youre older than me now??'


ehehe, asking the important questions Noct XD

'What age is Gladio???'

'...thats what you want to know?'

Staring at Prom on the drive

'W-what are you doing dude?'

'Umm, your hair...'

'Oh yeah haha, i got lazy'

'No its nice'

*both cringing to death from the awkwardness*

'no homo'


(total homo)


(absolute homo)


Like if you think what Gladio was like right before he went into the crystal

he'd be so different

Noct is expecting ot be made fun of but Gladio's like *single manly tear*

A babie



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