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Noct being a little spoilt and passive aggressive when Prompto can't spend his every waking minute with him. 

"Fine, whatever - you don't have to hang out with me if you don't want to"

And Prompto would love to deny it all because it's not true. But he can't admit to having this job because it would raise far too  many questions so he has to just let Noct assume whatever he wants to.



Carla Rivera

aahhhhh I love this !!!


Now I'm thinking about this one connecting with the kidnapped pic above and then the one where he's snapping at iggy- like getting jumped after work and noct being none the wiser til they get the pictures because he thought Prom and him just weren't talking. But the reality is so much worse. And snapping at iggy because he was TRYING to not be a burden on anyone and he needs to be at work, not here stuck on a coach- ahhhh