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This one I felt could either be Officer Iggy or Brotherhood era.

Like, if it was Officer Iggy - Prompto showing up in the middle of the night looking a lot worse for wear. His bag full of what little of his belongings he could get before he got out of there.

To be honest that could apply to either scenario? I saw it as either a situation where Prompto has been radio silence all day so they're wondering where he is. Then in the middle of the night he comes knocking at Iggy's door. Maybe the school bullies had tied him up in a place and just left them after a beating and he finally managed to free himself and the last thing he wanted was to go to an empty house.

He doesn't want Noctis worrying so he goes to Ignis hoping he will keep it a secret.

Alternately something could have happened at home and he's gotten himself out and is making for the safety that Ignis provides.

In both cases Ignis is going to gently lead him in and have him take a shower - offering him some of his own clothes to sleep in and when he comes out of the shower Ignis is waiting wth some food prepared and something hot to drink. 

Checks over his injuries before offering his bed to Prompto like a good host - he doesnt have anything else prepared - absolutely can not have a guest staying in a bed with unchanged sheets!!  

Prompto of course insists he take the couch but Ignis is having none of it, after all he's also injured. Eventually they agree that Ignis' bed is big enough for two and settle in for the night.

Prompto is cheery and bright the next mornign but Ignis knows better and theyre going ot talk.



Anabel (latt)

Dammit can I give you more likes. Uugh Prompto's faaace 😞


Auughhh YAAAASSSS PULL ALL MY HEARTSTRINGS AT ONCE (iДi) I literally want to reach in and HUG Prompto in this. He looks so tired and defeated, and just BABBBYYY ; WWWW; I also love that you can feel a sense of shock from Iggy, but also the gentleness that he is approaching prompto with. UGH LOVE ~♥


Yes, that wounded skittish feel where he's not entirely sure how Prompto is going ot react to his touch. Thisi s all uncharted territory. Thank youuuu