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"The Prince of Lucis is visiting in a few days - I'm sure you understand the consequences if you misbehave."

"Of course father"

The Niflheim prince can often be seen sitting on his balcony gazing out at the grounds. The people love to catch glimpses of him there because he's never been seen at events or anything else.

The story thats spun is that he has a weak immune system and it's dangerous for him to be around crowds lest he get sick.

Soon everything is going to change.




For a second i thought this was going to be based of the book series The Captive Prince by C.S.Pacat It's a favorite of mine. This is a pretty intriguing idea though.


Ooohh i haven't read it...i just read the synopsis... sounds interesting!!


Return of Prince Prompto! I really love your interpretations of him as royalty, a pretty face with darkness behind the scenes.


Gotta keep the angst going. Makes it so satisfying when he breaks free


My first thought was also of CS Pacat's book (which I also recommend as being utterly fantastic), but holy moly do I want to read the story you described here...


I actually went onto book depository and bought it after looking it up for the first comment! Id definitely like top revisit this idea again


This makes me sooo sad for Prom. But I also love the little hint that he's not quite the passive little bunny from the blood on his shackle. I hope he uses this visit as an opportunity to turn the tables on his bitch ass captors ( ‘д‘⊂彡☆))Д´)


Yes he's waiting for any opportunity. Im dying over the emojis you use xD Him and Noctis are going to wreak havoc.