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jogging for sfw....maybe nsfw for naked jogging? lolol


Gladios like 'I weigh like 3 of you...im going to die'

'it's all mental Gladdy'

'its mental alright...'

to add insult to injury, prom probably slowed down to keep up with him

Giving him encouragement

Gladio's like 'is this what its like for you in sparring?' (read:humiliating)

imagine if it was like a prerequisite for crownsguard

To build endurance

and they all HATE it

like its that dreaded month of the year

even Cor hates it

noct cheats


and its acceptable for them to walk parts

but they have to complete it

Noct is like 'i love you dude but if i stay with you i have to actually run - see you at the finish line'

'hes like a fucking gazelle'

Gladio says after he finishes

tbh theyre probably allowed some potion help for muscles

He did abandon Gladio when he started to walk a bit

'we're at 20 Gladdy!! Youre doing great - I'll see you at the finish!'




I wonder if Ignis would be the only one that'd stand a chance in keeping up... two lithe agile boys akfnkasf


I feel like he'd be fine but he wouldnt like how sweaty he got. Considering they're probably photographed a lot XD

Jacquelyn Mela

Pfft, Gladio's getting his ego knocked a bit, huh?


Okay but Prom's perfect unphased smile is like the CUTEST thing. I love seeing him confident because BABY DESERVES TO FEEL AWESOME SOMETIMES. I love his slowing down to keep pace with Gladdy LOL. THAT'S RIGHT BABBU YOU GO FOUR FOR YOU BABBU WIPE THE FLOOR WITH THEM


...i wonder if that kind of stamina would relate to his MT side. Just being able to keep going and going.


I really like that idea. Like THE ONE GOOD THING that came out of that ; w;