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'You say he has no memory of who he is?'

*pays double* 'I assume this will ensure your discretion should anyone come looking'

'Would you like him marked?'

'Why not~'


The princes betrothed mysteriously vanishes is all over the papers

It had been years in the works but a well kept secret

The slaver sees the pic in the paper

'....uh oh'

'Come along quicksilver'



Rachel Huey

Kaci.... this.... YOU'RE MURDERING ME BUT ALSO EXCITING ME AT THE SAME TIME this is dangerous. im waiting for prom's rescue


hahahah You and I have very similar tastes I think XD <3 I'll have to draw that for you!


OOOHHHH MY FUUUUUUUUUUCKKKK oMGGGGG this has so many WONDERFUL possibilities. Where is Ardyn taking him? How long before he resists flaunting in front of Noct that he has him? HOW WILL NOCT REACT ENCOUNTERING A PROM THAT HAS NO MEMORY OF HIM AND CALLS ARDYN MASTER??? HGKAHRGKHAKGJHAKGHKAJHG HOW DARE YOU