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the idea that was playing in my head was like

Turns out his parents were traitors

Imagine having ot choose between Noct and his parents

im kind of imagining a moment where he has the option to save 1 or the other

like imagine an explosion or something

Them begging him

'Prompto, I love you, please'

'Figures this would be the first time I hear that'

and he's just making himself focus on saving noct

Its only after when the crownsguard have descended

'I killed my mom and dad....'

'No Prompto, you saved your best friend'



Courtney Summers

Hes gonna need a lot of extra love after all this. I feel like this works rather well with the picture of him being framed and arrested. Like, whomever framed him was trying to nail his parents but couldn't. Prompto, though. Hes always around. That would be easy and surely his parents would come out of the wood work to save him, right?


Yes I agree, it definitely could all work together and makes it so much more heartbreaking that they were willing ot let him take the fall.


There's so much feeling in this one. I love how tightly Iggy's holding him, and how in shock Prom is. The story behind this is SO HORRIBLY SAD OMFG. I hope that help him find a therapist and that he gets a new place to stay. I feel like, in a situation like this, staying with Noct might actually be detrimental until Prom can digest what happened. So might staying in his parents home. AUGH the trauma, I LOVE IT