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I havent slept in 48 hrs and as soon as I started lining this my head went NOPE

But the gist of whats happening

Top left corner

well so imagine Prompto being totally set up

So he and Noct are in the arcade playing a game of airhockey

and the glaives burst in

Slam Prompto down and cuffinf him

Noct is livid

'what is the meaning of this?!?!'

But theres all this evidence

Linking prompto to some sort of treasonous act

And its very compelling

Gladio and Ignis are 100% behind the proof

Noct does not want to believe it

but it's full on prints, dna evidence

seems irrefutable

Everyone is like 'Noct get your head out of your ass, its clear as day'

Bottom left corner

Popstar!Prom telling the guys what he's been through while he hides from the press

Bottom right corner

Prom opening the door to his house to Noct and co standing outside

Holding a rag up to his nose

'Uh? Hey Noct, were we...meeting today?'

Noct is like 'No, you havent answered any of my messages since yesterday....i thought something had happened to you'

'Aw *dude* you were worried??'

'With good cause, apparently' snipes Ignis

'Yea, whats with the cloth' asks Gladio

'Nothing really, my nose has been going for a while, seems more eco friendly than tissue paper'

'How long exactly is 'a while'?'

wanders back into the house and lets them follow him

'I wasn't really timing it

I also had this image of him wandering around in shorts and a tee

and they others are all bundled up because its baltic out

Ignis is like, 'yeah, he's not actually being a dumbass - I don't think he's entirely with us'

Fever - check



Anabel (latt)

Omg I hope you get sleep soon! And also for a hot sec I thought that nsfw pic was popstar!Prompto telling the guys of the abuse 😅