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haha g9

i imagine its Ep prompto

Ardyn fucking with Prom

The punching bag

imagine tho when 'Gladio' braces him

and he cant move with the punch

broken ribs

initially i was between it being Ardyn

or some like training situation

with Prom blindfolded

and some recruits 'torturing' him

Like having been grabbed from him house middle of the night

and bag over his head

the noise i made xD when i realised i had to erase Gladios tatt


i love how different the scenarios are and how they drastically affect what you're looking at


because they would go easy on him so it cant be the boys

and BOY will they be furious when they find out because you know soem recruits will have used this as an opportunity

imagine if

Because it was this whole anonymous thing

There was a group for it

and none of them owns up to it

Because thye know the consequences

And they also know Prom was blindfolded

So he doesnt know who it was either

So everyones FURIOUS

Gladio has been up Cor's ass about it

Driving his father crazy

Theyre like 'our hands are tied'

Because it was intended to be a surprise thing

but there was still rules to it

And the downside to potions is theres no evidence

they cant see anyone with torn knuckles


I can only imagine what it'd be like to be surrounded by other "troops" who you're supposed to entrust your life with in battle only how can he when it literally could've been anyone?



And Prom of course was questioned

while he was in the infirmary

No potions for him

Just left in a half dead heap

But he's just like 'I was blindfolded'

He cant remember anything either because honestly he was pretty concussed

So his memory is fuzzy at best

But then

He's walking down the hall with the bois

And a person passes them in the hall and theres a whiff of their deo

and Prompto stumbles into Gladio

nearly capsizes them all

And he doesnt even really realise why he did it

'Prom? You're shaking...are you okay?'



since they like found him half dead after

does that mean that potions and stuff wouldn't do a whole lot since they're not recent wounds?


Yess, I figure he spends quite a while in infirmary and then on leave

But he's still hanging around the guys

And first its the smell

And maybe they were careful not to talk around him

But when they picked him up - they smacked him hard enough to daze him

but maybe he was in and out while they were talking in the truck

and once he remembers one little thing the rest is straining to come back

Maybe theres a situation where he's around them and literally feels sick

Cor or Ignis - they see it


i'd imagine that touch on his hip would be pretty memorable

like the image keeps drawing my eyes back to it


Maybe theyre ushering him out and the guy speaks and Prom tenses up

And whoevers leading him out whips up his head to look at who's talking

'Is that them?'

'I dont knowidontknow, can I go now?'

Ava was saying about how she was doing a think like that for fun in her camp where they'd wake someone up in the night and not let them know who it was

by playing loud music

Maybe that could have been how thye hid their voices

But yeah, once they get one - they'll give up the other for leniency

that they wont get


the first time it happened to me, I was led into the woods blindfolded by my coworkers

blasting music from speakers bc they all had it planned beforehand


Theyre going to make such an example of them that no one else would dream of such an act of prejudice again

and then being like 'we lied'

then they look after Prom

Ellay also mentioned about how different the touch on his hips became in second picture when you changed the character. Oddly more sinister.




Wow, I think the second scenario wins in this case. I love both, but the whump of the second scenario really calls to me. Especially with Prom remaining traumatized from the situation. The way you described his getting a whiff of one of them, or recognizing a voice is like so heebie jeebie inducing. I also love how much the boys care and want to find who did it. My heart ; w;